
Membership in International Organizations

The membership of Constantine the Philosopher University in international organizations is an opportunity for the University to gain invaluable knowledge and information about the most modern trends in education and research; it allows the University to establish contacts with foreign experts in the relevant fields of expertise and it also contributes to the improvement of standards of education and efficient development of academic and scientific environment at UKF. Thanks to its members of academia, scientists and teachers, Constantine the Philosopher University has representation in several professional international organizations:
  • European University Association (EUA) founded in 2001 as a result of the merger of the Association of European Universities and the Confederation of Rectors' Conferences in the EU, now with 850 members in 47 countries, EUA is the largest and most comprehensive organization representing the interests of universities in Europe. EUA provides its members with a platform for the exchange of experience through participation in projects, educational and other events, providing them with the opportunity to influence and establish the future EU policy and initiatives in the field of education and research (their development, programs and financing instruments). EUA organizes a large number of meetings on the international level, which provide room for the solutions to key questions on the acquisition and management of finance in the education sector, quality assurance, lifelong learning and research cooperation. It also promotes the partnerships between the Rectors' Conferences on the national level and is instrumental in the presentation of European universities globally.
  • Danube Rector´s Conference is a network of about 70 universities in the Danube region. Its aim is to improve the teaching process and research in the university sector in the said region, promote cooperation between the institutions on the basis of bilateral and multilateral contacts as set out at the Brijuni conference. In the context of its activities, DRC focuses on coordinating the information and events of common interest, promote cooperation in the areas of mutual interest and support the stability and development of an open democratic society. DRC also serves as a consulting body – it presents its views and recommendations on the problematic issues the universities deal with – and mediates these issues on the governmental level and to the organizations cooperating with the universities. It mediates the communication between the Rectors' Conferences and EUA, UNESCO, EU etc. In practical terms, it organizes conferences, workshops and summer schools and helps the universities with the involvement in EU projects.
  • Magna Charta Universitatum full name: Magna Charta Observatory of Fundamental University Values and Rights is a nonprofit organization founded by the Bologna University and EUA.  The Magna Charta Observatory has set a goal to collect the information and opinions and prepare the documents for the preservation and promotion of fundamental university values and rights enshrined in the Magna Charta Universitatum, which was signed in Bologna in 1988 at a meeting attended by 388 rectors of prominent universities.
  • European Association of Schools of Social Work (EASSW) – is an association that supports the development of education in social work throughout Europe, develops the standards to improve the quality of education in social work, encourages international exchange, provides a forum to share and exchange research results in the field of social work and scholarship options. It fulfills its objectives through the ENSACT conference, which is dedicated to the teachers active in the area of social work, representation in the EU and Council of Europe, publication of the European Journal of Social Work, financing of small transnational projects about education in social work and publication of a newsletter.
  • Erasmus Student Network (ESN) – is the largest student organization in Europe, which established itself in more than 900 higher education institutions in 40 countries through the ESN sections. The organization operates on a voluntary basis with about 15,000 active members. Overall, the organization shelters around 40,000 young people who offer their services to around 220,000 international students each year. The main idea of the organization is to provide opportunities for cultural understanding and personal development to international students in accordance with the Students Helping Students principle. ESN is involved in a number of international organizations, projects and studies related to mobility and it promotes cooperation through the International Committee for Education.
  • Translation Automation User Society (TAUS) – membership in the TAUS "thinktank” provides access to information and technology for the automation of translation, and is one of the main sources of research knowledge on this rapidly developing segment of the translation industry. The membership allows us to make use of the databases and research conducted by TAUS in the research projects focused mainly on the evaluation of machine translation using the "Dynamic Quality Assessment" tool (DQF, Dynamic Quality Framework). The members include some leading European universities involved in the European Master in Translation (EMT) program, but also other major universities around the world. Standard members include the most prominent global corporations and government agencies (Microsoft, Intel, HP, Google...).
  • Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) – currently brings together 817 members from 106 countries around the world. AUF contributes to creating a scientific platform in French and it brings together academic and research institutions worldwide. Membership in the agency gives Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra a chance to cooperate with the francophone academic partners all around the world. In addition to maintaining a lively francophone scientific environment, AUF offers services to the students, lecturers and researchers, including the funding of mobilities, access to online courses and support of research projects. The agency also supports the institutions in process of modernization (upgrade of management and control systems, self-assessment and evaluation programs...). AUF is active worldwide, and the Section for Central Europe is headquartered in Bucharest (Romania).
  • Evropská kulturní stezka sv. Cyrila a Metoděje – founded in 2013, it is an international network of partners, supporting the promotion and preservation of the legacy of Cyril and Methodius. It supports and promotes Christian roots and values, which are based on respect and dialog between the people of different cultures and religions. The trail (stezka) connects the important places and institutions engaged in presenting the message of   St. Cyril and Methodius and their followers through a broad range of products of cultural and educational tourism and pilgrimage. The emphasis is placed on strengthening the regional development of the countries involved in the project and the European cultural identity at large.
  • The University Network for Cultural Routes Studies is a network of Universities interested in the study of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe. The Network aims to encourage the conduct of research on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe related issues, encourage students to undertake their academic research on Cultural Routes, jointly apply for European Grants with the European Institute of Cultural Routes (EICR), participate in the annual programme of activities of the EICR and offer scientific advice where required. The University Network for Cultural Routes Studies was created in 2012 in order to facilitate exchanges between the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme, universities active in the field of preservation and promotion of cultural heritage and certified Cultural Routes.

Contact information

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
Tr. A. Hlinku 1, 949 01, Nitra
phone: +421 37 6408 111
ID: 00157716
VAT: 2021246590
VAT ID: SK 2021246590
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