
University Magazine Náš čas

Náš čas is a print medium presenting the current events at the University. It provides information from the world of education, science, research and culture to UKF employees, students and the general public. The magazine with its 1000 copies is published five times per year.
Editorial Office
Mgr. Jana Krajčovičová 
Executive Editor
Ing. Jana Černáková
Bc. Lubo Balko 
photos, graphics and typesetting                                        
Ing. Mgr. Tatiana Palkovičová  
Technical Editor
Contact person: MA Jana Krajčovičová 
Office address: Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Tr A. Hlinku 1, 949 01 Nitra

Contact information

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
Tr. A. Hlinku 1, 949 01, Nitra
phone: +421 37 6408 111
ID: 00157716
VAT: 2021246590
VAT ID: SK 2021246590
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