Modern European University message in the footsteps of Constantine the Philosopher.

Nationwide recognition of the students of the Faculty of Arts

During the academic year 2015/2016 the students of the Faculty of Arts have successfully participated on the nationwide competition of the best works of the Students’ Scientific Conference with their original presentations – individual research projects led by their skilled teachers. After strict evaluation of the works the prizes of the Literary Fund were awarded to the following:
  • Miroslava Ivanová from the Department of Ethnology and Ethnomusicology for her work Transformation of the Country-House into Recreation Area (example location Podšíp, Stankovany) (supervisor: prof. PhDr. Zuzana Beňušková, CSc.),
  • Magdaléna Plazáková from the Department of History for her work Stories from the Pictures (supervisor: prof. Janka Hečková, CSc.),
  • Mária Pátková from the Department of Culture and Tourism Management for her work Partizánske - Baťastory (supervisor: doc. PhDr. Boris Michalík, PhD.),
  • Zuzana Hrušková from the Department of Slovak Language for her work Hlaholika in Slovak Art (supervisor: prof. PaedDr. Ľubomír Kralčák, PhD.),
  • Simona Plišková from the Department of Translatology for her work Assessment of Elements of Non-verbal Communication in Speeches of the Students of Translatology (supervisor: Mgr. Katarína Welnitzová, PhD.),
  • Erik Vilím from the Institute of Literary and Artistic Communication for his work Overlaps of Conceptual and Perceptual in the works of Štefan Papčo (supervisor: Mgr. Eva Pariláková, PhD.)
This award represents a substantiation of a long-term effort of the Faculty to increase the support of scientific activity and creation of opportunities for promising students to express themselves through their thirst for knowledge and discoveries of unknown. We would like to congratulate all awarded students and we wish them a lot of creative ideas and achievements in the future.

Contact information

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
Tr. A. Hlinku 1, 949 01, Nitra
phone: +421 37 6408 111
ID: 00157716
VAT: 2021246590
VAT ID: SK 2021246590
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