
Erasmus+ cooperation with Japanese university

As part of Key Action 1 – Individual Mobility for Learning Purposes / Mobility Projects for Higher Education between Program and Partner Countries, the Constantine the Philosopher University (UKF) in Nitra, represented by its rector, Prof. RNDr. Libor Vozár, CSc., submitted project number 2022-1-SK01-KA171-HED-000078497, which was awarded a grant for international cooperation with Japan.
UKF received financial support for cooperation with Kansai University in Osaka based on the international activities of Prof. PaedDr. Zdena Kráľová, PhD., Prof. RNDr. Anna Tirpáková, CSc., and Mgr. Jana Kamenická, PhD. The international cooperation reflects interdisciplinary research within the previous project collaboration (KEGA 002UKF-4/2020 "Positive Psychology in English Language Teaching", UGA V/7/2020 "Positive Psychology in TEFL Practice", UGA V/6/2022 "Perspectives of Emotional Stimuli in Education", and UGA V/4/2023 "Teaching English in the Post-COVID Era").
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The international cooperation with Japan is being carried out in the fields of Education and Teacher Training/Foreign Languages, in which research from the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics intertwines.
In April 2023, as part of the Erasmus+ Staff Training mobilities, Prof. PaedDr. Zdena Kráľová, PhD. (Faculty of Education), Prof. RNDr. Anna Tirpáková, CSc. (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics), and Mgr. Jana Kamenická, PhD. (Faculty of Education) visited the Japanese university.
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The Erasmus+ mobility of these teachers to the Faculty of Foreign Language Studies and the Graduate School of Foreign Language Education and Research, Kansai University, Osaka, Japan, builds on their previous project cooperation and aims to expand cooperation with the Japanese partner university in the field of education and research, in accordance with the UKF in Nitra's Internationalization Strategy, especially in the underexplored areas of neurodidactics and psychodidactics, which formed the main content of the training in the Erasmus+ KA171 project. The Erasmus+ training aimed to gain new knowledge and experience, which will be implemented in the educational process of the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics, with the aim of modernizing education and significantly strengthening the internationalization of UKF in Nitra.
Another part of the international cooperation with Kansai University Osaka, Japan, will be the Erasmus+ training of two Japanese education specialists who will visit UKF in Nitra later this academic year.
Text: Prof. PaedDr. Zdena Kráľová, PhD., Faculty of Education – Department of English Language and Culture
Photo: Mgr. Jana Kamenická, PhD., Faculty of Education – Department of English Language and Culture
Posted: May 11, 2023

Contact information

Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
Tr. A. Hlinku 1, 949 01, Nitra
phone: +421 37 6408 111
ID: 00157716
VAT: 2021246590
VAT ID: SK 2021246590
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